Sunday 27 October 2024

For their own good

Here's a big problem with law enforcement: it is all about enFORCEment.

You know: we need to keep drunk young drivers from killing themselves. How? We will pass laws that FORCE the young people to not kill themselves.
After all, it's all for their own good...
As if that will ever work.

This is what we need... what may actually work. Or at least it may help:

Find a way to encourage people to actually WANT to do whatever it is that (we believe they)should really be doing.
We may be wrong. But let's pretend that by being older, we are wiser. So how can we use that wisdom... to make young people WANT to look after themselves?
That's a challenge, 
Perhaps impossible... after all, being young involves learning to think for ourselves. Learning to act, make decisions -- good and bad-- for ourselves.
Difficult for us to watch... as our own "wisdom" is rejected.

Yet thousands of years' experience has shown that the big stick is, at best, temporary.

Can we do it better? (Or are we too close to the needs of the next election.)

half blind. half deaf. dying of cancer.
so what? :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


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