Thursday 24 October 2024

access to information

the Editorial claims that our political masters have a new problem: that information is available to everyone. Politicians are no longer able to *control* who knows what.
This hints at a far bigger problem:
Available information varies, on a scale from, Absolutely true, to absolutely false. Who can tell?

Then... is there a reason, a deliberate purpose behind, info being false... (or true).

In a democracy of well-educated citizens, a very serious problem for well-meaning political masters is: 
How to keep their constituents aware of the actual accuracy... of all of the available information.

Given *better* (or any) information -- it is up to the constituents to decide what to do about it.
That is... if the politicians really want to represent "the people".

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

half blind, half deaf, dying of cancer,
So what.


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