Wednesday 21 February 2024

old is new

Gary Martin and various Letters writers object to being labeled as old.
I don't mind if some people label me as a crazy old fool.
What they don't realise is that only the old is new.
... nick lethbridge, churchlands

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

Tuesday 20 February 2024

need feeds greed

some members of our society are needy. The government provides money to help the needy.
then we have the greedy. they have no need for the money but take it anyway.
also, there are the seedy. they charge for advice to the greedy on how to get even more of the money that they do not need.
it's like the beggars who cut off one leg in order to get more handouts.
Then we have APM. a company whose business is to grab a much government money as possible. because they are greedy and seedy they will stand between the government and the needy. APM takes its cut, then fails to provide the necessary services to the needy.
so those in real need get nothing. and the rich investors get sympathetic reports in the paper 20/2

... nick lethbridge, churchlands

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

Monday 12 February 2024

here we go again

the grattan institute wants to provide teachers with the latest method to teach reading.
after decades of academic twaddle there is still no agreed best method. each year a new self-serving expert pushes a new method. worse, they claim that last year's methods are wrong and must be thrown out.
now grattan wants to provide regular updates on the latest evidence. with teachers forced to change their teaching as grattan picks a new favourite theory.
the teachers will be kept busy learning to apply this week's latest evidence.
no wonder students fail to learn to read. the teachers have no time to teach.
... nick lethbridge, churchlands

printed in The West on 13 Feb 24

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

manage managers

gary martin is wrong.
he claims, 12 Feb, that employers allow personal phone calls at work in the expectation that employees will make up the time outside work hours.
an effective employer only expects that the work will be done.

micro time management may be true for the worst of the bureaucratic micro managers.
realistic managers accept that the employee is trapped inside the office all day.
the managers allow some flexibility at work or accept time spent pretending to work while planning private activities. or extended visits to the toilet, carrying a mobile phone. or nipping out for a cigarette... via the doctor's office.
an effective manager requires only that the work is done. an effective manager does not have nightly panic attacks. nor "urgent" work that cannot be rescheduled for the next work day.

an effective manager manages their own time, even more that they manage each employee's time.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

brutally apt

the hale school hall is built in the brutalist style. this is an excellent match to my memories of one year at the school. 
bullying was standard. violence was common. teachers were disinterested.
it was a brutalist hall for a brutal school.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

Thursday 8 February 2024


If you had asked me about the key concerns of local businesses I would have said, offering good service while remaining profitable in an increasingly tough economy.
according to Chris Rodwell, CEO of CCIWA (Opinion 8/2) they are dedicated to creating contemporary values-based work environments.
no wonder they have no time to disconnect

... nick lethbridge, churchlands

This was printed in The West on 9th Feb, as Busy doing something.
The Letters Editor did a good job of tidying my hasty typing. I still prefer my own subject line... which relates to what made me notice the article

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

Wednesday 7 February 2024

environmental costs

Pliberstek, environment minister, will shift final environmental approvals from the Minister to a panel. Industry objects.
"ministers can balance environmental impacts against economic and social factors." says industry.
What they mean is, It's cheaper to buy one minister than to buy an entire panel.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

not fine to disconnect

the government was going to fine companies which sent out of hours emails to employees. Staff, they felt, had the right to go home and disconnect from work.
Shock, horror, screamed businesses. We bought the slaves, we have paid for the right to work them to death.
The ever-responsive pollies backed down. They will not fine companies.
Instead, employees will be given the legal right to not respond.
An employee will not be required to respond to work emails, not until they are back at work.
This will allow what is referred to as a CLM. A Career Limiting Move. Legal but suicidal.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

not so crazy

Bethesda opened a private nut-house. A year later, it's closed, for not making enough money.
The closing statement blames private health funds for not refunding enough. Potential patients, Bethesda say, are not willing to pay the full cost of private treatment. Not from their own pockets.
These crazy people are not so crazy after all.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

Sunday 4 February 2024

nowhere to live

How do I vote for Albanese? Or are we stuck with Cook.
Cook, the idiot who wants to bring more migrants to WA. Cafe and restaurant managers no less. So we can all have a cafe latte with a twist of lemon. While saving for a deposit to live in a tent. If one is available.
... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

Saturday 3 February 2024

Birds stop traffic

in Sydney Harbour Tunnel a pigeon set off an over-weight alarm. (sensors flap out wrong 3 Feb)
The pigeon was flying. Above a multi-tonne truck.
The extra weight of the pigeon was enough to trigger the overweight alarm. Causing the tunnel to be closed. That is one very heavy bird.
Unless, of course, the real story was about an over height sensor.
Tell Alfred Hitchcock to relax.
... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

Friday 2 February 2024

invest with insider knowledge

It's a remarkably short but profitable path from political donation to government handout (Burke link to ALP donation 2 Feb). All you need is a corrupt ex-premier to wave you through the short-cuts.
...Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you