Wednesday 7 February 2024

not fine to disconnect

the government was going to fine companies which sent out of hours emails to employees. Staff, they felt, had the right to go home and disconnect from work.
Shock, horror, screamed businesses. We bought the slaves, we have paid for the right to work them to death.
The ever-responsive pollies backed down. They will not fine companies.
Instead, employees will be given the legal right to not respond.
An employee will not be required to respond to work emails, not until they are back at work.
This will allow what is referred to as a CLM. A Career Limiting Move. Legal but suicidal.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

1 comment:

Orry said...

Very true