Wednesday 6 September 2006

Child Bride of Frankenstein

Wow! Check out the cover picture for the U. section of today's (6 Sep 06) West! Who -- in their right mind -- would marry that?!

Okay, she's not ugly... but that expression! The slitty-eyed look of the evil predator... The look that screams, I am going to suck you dry -- but not in any nice way! Warning! Warning! Gold-digger!

Okay, so models are not allowed to smile. But please -- don't scare me like that!

Turn the page and the image "improves". "Romance is back", cries the headline. "Take me, I'm yours!" cries the blank-faced, child-like, paedophile's dream.

Ugh! these "fashionable" images scare me!

Independent Thinking
Independent analysis of your problems by
Agamedes Consulting. Support for your thought:
email nick leth at gmail dot com

Wake Up and Smell the Way the Wind is Blowing!

Secrecy over speed camera traps is not a solution

The West, 5 Sep 06, page 16

Hiding the speed traps is not a solution -- but not a solution to what? What is the issue here?

For several years the police have published -- in advance -- the probable locations of speed traps. Now, they say, that practice will stop. Why? There are two key issues -- and they are not clearly related.

  1. Speed traps are supposed to save lives. How? By convincing drivers that they should drive within the speed limit.
  2. Speed traps are seen as revenue raisers. In effect, you can pay speeding fines in exchange for the right to speed.

Thinking Lateral
Need new thinking for your own problems?
email nick leth at gmail dot com

For the first: If you know the location of each speed trap then speeders will know that they are "safe" everywhere else. Known locations give an implicit okay to speed in other areas. Hidden speed traps use fear of the unknown to stop speeders everywhere. (Of course a gambler could say, What are the odds? -- and just stop worrying about speed traps.)

Then there's the second issue: Surely the police know that there is a strong belief that speed traps are simply revenue raisers? (If they don't know -- then they are fools!) So why would they reinforce that public belief, by hiding speed traps? Are the police -- at the decision-making levels -- really that stupid?!

Is there a better answer?

I believe that the police really do want to reduce deaths on our roads. I believe that they really do believe that reducing speeding will reduce deaths. What I doubt, is that use of "a speed trap" is the best way to use the Multanova cameras.

(I'm talking about the police... I'm sure that politicians -- those who get to spend the extra revenue -- are quite happy to set up speed traps as revenue raisers.)

Publicise speed trap locations: speeding is reduced -- in those locations. Hide speed traps: slightly better chance of overall speed reductions -- but very bad effect on public perceptions. Is there a better way?

Is there a better way? Yes! But here I have to be a bit vague...

Speed traps alone do not reduce the road toll. They need to be used imaginatively! Stop using fear... use encouragement! I love the little trailer that tells me how fast I'm going -- without fining me: information (actual speed), suggestion ("slow down"), reward ("well done") -- but no fear.

So that's one: use encouragement rather than fear. Link each Multanova to a display rather than to a fine. Remind people of the limits -- and praise them when they are doing okay.

Then analyse the results. Where are people speeding? When? And -- with some extra thought -- why?! Why do people speed, at a particular time, at a particular place? Can we change the situation, through education or road changes?

Stop hitting the driving public with a hammer. Think! And gain public support rather than public distrust. It is possible.

Independent Thinking
Independent analysis of your problems by
Agamedes Consulting. Support for your thought:
email nick leth at gmail dot com

"I Ran a Race"

The other day, I ran in the City to Surf "fun run". It was my first time. I finished. And I was really pleased to get a medal at the end. The medal is like the school certificate which says, "I ran a race": I took part, I finished, I did not win.

I really appreciated getting the medal!

Thinking Lateral
Need new thinking for your own problems?
email nick leth at gmail dot com

The organisers gave a medal to everyone. But that didn't stop them praising the winners... Fastest man, fastest, woman, fastest child, fastest wheelchair... all were publicly praised. That's what you expect: Sure, it's a "fun run" -- but we all like to know who won.

The winner took less than half my time. I'm impressed. But I'm still pleased with my own performance: I know that I did pretty well -- for me. I know I can't run fast but, hey! I did my best!

Schools scrap rankings on report cards

The West, 5 Sep 06, page 14

Meanwhile, schools try to ignore the children who can think fast.

The Federal Government wants each student to be ranked, as being in the top quarter, bottom quarter or middle half of their group. But oh dear, this could "harm children's self-esteem". That's the opinion of "teachers, parents and principals" who lobbied the state government.

"Parents whose children are failing know they are failing and they don't want the world to know," says Alison Woodman, President of the WA Secondary Schools Executives Association. Oh? And how do they know that their children are failing? Do they look at the child's school report card? The one that now says only, "Your child attended schoool"?

Then, "they don't want the world to know"... Do schools publish every report card on the web? Have I missed something here? How does "the world" know the results printed on your child's report card?!

But it gets worse.

Publishing quartile lists is "very elitist" says Woodman, and "the only parents I think who want it are the ones whose children are likely to be at the top."

So, what Woodman is saying is, "Twenty-five percent of parents -- the parents of the top quartile of students -- are elitist bastards who should be ashamed of their children. One quarter of parents should be ashamed of their children's abilities."

If only those smart children could run faster... Then they could have their achievements praised publicly, printed in the paper. If only they could run faster than other children -- then we could all praise them.

The ability to think fast is an embarrassment; it should be hidden. The ability to run fast is praiseworthy.

Oh dear... How will my self-esteem handle the knowledge that I was not the fastest runner in the City to Surf...

Independent Thinking
Independent analysis of your problems by
Agamedes Consulting. Support for your thought:
email nick leth at gmail dot com

Lawyers and Liars

"Court told of 200kmh race before deaths"

The West, 5 Sep 06, page 9

A bus driver told the court that he saw two cars driving past at at least 200kmh. A local saw two vehicles racing at about 150kmh. The next day's evidence has a policeman who saw the two cars travelling at more than 160kmh. The defence lawyer says, "he was not racing anyone".

What?! Not racing?! Two cars, driving at the same time, at the same speed, on the same road -- "not racing"?!

Okay, so a defence lawyer is paid to represent their client's interests. Did he say, "My client says that he was not racing"? No. Just, "he was not racing". Was the lawyer there? No. Does he really believe that his client was "not racing"? Who cares.

Justice be damned. Ethics be damned. Here is a lawyer who has been paid to lie. Do you trust a person whose honesty is so obviously for sale? Who else will be paid to lie for the defence?

"Justice" will go to the team which pays most for its liars.

Independent Thinking
Independent analysis of your problems by
Agamedes Consulting. Support for your thought:
email nick leth at gmail dot com