Saturday 26 October 2024

debt to society

In the US a DA has said the two brothers have "paid their debt" to society.
Is that the US idea of murder? a contract: you may murder your parents -- as long as you then "pay" with 34 years in jail.
I wonder, What would be the agreed, contracted cost to murder that DA? Would there be a discount for payment in advance?

There's a bigger question:
Do we want the brothers in our society at all?

Well, why not? Other than murder of their parents, perhaps they are valuable contributors to whatever we want in (US) society.
I have no idea.

If we do *not* want them -- then we need an "acceptable" means of removing them. Either temporarily (34 years) or permanently.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Independent Dexitroboper

half blind, half deaf, dying of cancer,
So what.


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