Wednesday 16 October 2024

And now it's palliative

We're home, thank goodness
With support from Silver Chain... palliative care.

Even I know that that is not good. But:

There is still no timeline.
Only guesses. From weeks to, maybe, a couple of years.

I ask, if I walk too fast --am I increasing the risk? Probably not! No-one knows.
The brain is complex, cancer is complex, the location affects risk.
So... the end result is just as definite but timing is no clearer
Deb and I just carry on as, almost as, usual.
With no pain at all... so no worries.
Tomorrow we go shopping. I avoid one shop where I normally push the trolley.
I go into another shop where I push, but have the option to sit outside and rest.

Palliative care is scary. On the other hand... I am more relaxed. I now know everyone else's expectations. I can carry on, with Deb, with life -- and ignore expectations. Until I finally cannot. And then I won't be caring.

Funny: I realise that the palliative care doc has actually seen people die. He is still a nice person.I find that to be strangely comforting.
Over but not... yet out :-)

My body is a temple to health and fitness.
but there is a devil-worshipper in the temple: :-)

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