Thursday 6 April 2023

lesson lost

more than 80 years ago, John Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men.
it is a story of a man who is  not capable of fitting in with the casual contempt and cruelty of society. finally he goes too far.
his best friend gives him the mercy of a quick death.

today there is no such mercy for Terence Kelly. only revenge.
he will be locked away to suffer.

our society is too cowardly to kill a person who has been labelled as "evil" and as a "monster".

Worse yet. "experts" have identified causes which contributed to his behaviour. And signs that a child was becoming a monster.

Yet there is no suggestion that we should deal with the causes. Before another monster is created.

i have no sympathy for his actions.
but we are diminished by the cruelty of our revenge.



Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


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The word "boobs" is so scary until you get to the second "b". (Alfred E. Neumann

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely requires intervention at an early age when unacceptable behaviour is detected. However, it's tough these days because the WOKES get involved .