Wednesday 26 April 2023


over the years i have collected 40 or 50 ebooks. all standard epubs.
i read them reread them. look forward to reading them.

i copied them from the old tablet to the new apple. 
apple refused to read some of them. i still had enough books to keep me amused on a holiday.

today, they are all gone. disappeared. even the book that i was reading last week. deleted, as far as i can tell.

there i was, determined to face up to my fears. i installed some seemingly useful apps on the Apple. started to learn how they worked. or didn't work.

and today -- all those books are lost.
what a fucking pile of Apple shit.

thank goodness i still have the ancient android.
which still holds every one of my collected books.

i can read ebooks on the android. i can read and send emails. unlike the crApple. all it does is crash and delete files.

next week, the old android is going on holidays. again.
the crApple is going onto the floor in the junk room. again.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For the time being.