Tuesday 10 September 2024

social media ban

a social media ban for kids? it will never work.
fine the media owners when they fail? a trivial cost of doing business.

we need an alternative.
create AusFace. a social media platform for Australians.
make it attractive. for a start, "encourage" every footballer to join and post.

to use ausface you must prove who you are. and be given two unique IDs. one public, one private.

the private ID protects your privacy. it is linked to the public ID
you post as public *but* if there is a legal reason to know who you are -- that comes from the public to private ID link.
you post anonymously. but if you break the law, you are known.

to post at all you need to identify yourself and prove your age.
non-australians can also join but the proof of identity and age may be more difficult... who cares.
an aussie social media platform which suits our social and legal requirements.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

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