Thursday 19 September 2024

it trickles more for the rich

the editorial headline says, When business thrives, so does economy.
this would be due to what economists call the "trickle-down effect": business makes a billion so it spends more with its suppliers. those suppliers make a million so they, in turn, spend more. eventually this extra spending trickles down to small business, which can then afford to hire staff. those staff earn a subsistence living, are able to buy food and so everyone in the economy is better off.

here's another view of trickle-down: pay workers a high wage.let them spend. watch the benefits trickle down from there.

ha! don't worry, i'm only joking. that second view would reduce profits for the already rich owners of the top-level businesses. and that is obvious nonsense.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

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