Sunday 5 May 2024

neighbourhood and NDIS nonsense

A couple of items in today's Sunday times.
In one, a couple set up an NDIS-funded business to provide accommodation for people who can't look after themselves.
Pretty soon, unmanaged people are disturbing neighbors, with noise, lights and all hours comings and goings. They also wander the streets and knock on doors at all hours.
The business applies to the Council to have the house changed from residential to supported independent living. The change is rejected.
It's a residential neighbourhood and the business is already, illegally, damaging liveability.

btw: I strongly object to people who create a business with the primary, possibly only, goal of catching NDIS funding. NDIS is to support the disabled. Not to support greedy entrepreneurs.

Next, a "WA disability services provider" wants landlords to give *priority* to "vulnerable" potential tenants. Give rental priority to people who already get government funding through NDIS.
What the hell. Let ordinary people, with no particular problems, become second class citizens who are forced to sleep on the streets.
Support, okay. Priority, definitely not.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood

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