Wednesday 19 February 2020

who is lying?

The West is our daily "news"paper. Sometimes it seems to believe that it can do and say and print what it likes.

"It was the complete opposite George!" (19Feb). George Costanza has no time for an interview so The West ambushes him at the airport. "If you want an interview," writes Costanza, "try setting it up like the professionals do."

"The truth of the matter is..." writes The West -- and they accuse Costanza of lying.

One, The West did attempt to set up an interview. Two, an interview was refused.

Three, the paper did ambush Costanza at the airport. Foot-in-the-door journalism at its worst. A defensive insult does not improve the situation.

"Like it or not, no one is a performing seal 4you," writes Costanza.

Like it or not, the paper overstepped the mark. The insulting article is a loud announcement of the wrong attitude of the paper.

Nick Lethbridge  /  consulting dexitroboper
"The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you." … B.B. King

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