Tuesday 18 February 2020

red tape rubbish

Cut red tape, demands Paul Everingham. Paul who? Oh, yes, the boss at chamber of minerals and energy. The group whose aim is to dig the world.

Cut the red tape and we'll bring jobs, he claims. Bring jobs if it will increase our profits, he means. Bring jobs at the expense of the environment, he means.

Red tape is there to protect our state against exploitation. Red tape exists to curb the self interest excesses of companies which exist only to make a profit.

Nothing wrong with making a profit. Nothing wrong with wanting to change regulations for your own benefit. Nothing wrong with having red tape to add checks and balances to the process.

Business exists to make a profit. Red tape exists to protect the rest of us from uncontrolled profit driven exploitation of our state.

Nick Lethbridge  /  consulting dexitroboper
"The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you." … B.B. King

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