Wednesday 4 December 2019

the blind Shepherd

Tory Shepherd writes (The West 4 Dec) that Donald Trump gains popularity with his strange and erratic tweets. His followers love him because they feel, "he's one of them." You know, noisy, unthinking -- not one of the established political elite.

Then, "The researchers suggest Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is learning some of these tricks as well."

What, still learning? How stupid are these researchers? How blind is the reporter who unthinkingly accepts that our PM is still learning these tricks?

Morrison became a self-proclaimed "ScoMo" just before he became PM. ScoMo, the man with a nickname of the people. From obscurity he leapt out as a self-named man of the people -- then leapt immediately into the job as PM, the political leader of the people.

Do the researchers, does Shepherd, really believe that this is coincidence? How blind are they?

No, ScoMo came out as a man of the people just in time to get the top job. This is no sudden learning-from-Trump. This is a carefully calculated attack on our perceptions.

It may have been inspired by Trump but he is not just "learning some of these tricks". It began -- and continues -- as a full-blown PR exercise.

And good luck to him. If we fall for it, then we deserve the leader that we have. And if we don't like it... well... I don't see any alternative leaders that are any more honest. Not here. And not in America.

The choice is poor. But we are still a democracy. At least our leaders are not rounding us up for ethnic cleansing.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Experience is the comb life gives you once  you're bald" … per Ginger Meggs


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1 comment:

Orry said...

One day we will have a true leader.