Tuesday 3 December 2019

same old political prejudice

For several weeks we've been hearing and reading that Pauline Hanson was doing deals on the federal government's "Ensuring Integrity Bill". (Since when have politicians been hiring marketing experts to provide catchy and misleading names for their bills?)

We were told that Hanson would vote for the bill in exchange for whatever it was that she wanted. Then she voted against the bill.

In The West, Lanai Scarr gets all excited about this. But she promised! sobs Scarr pathetically. Let's see what else Scarr writes:

"Christian Porter gave a final draft... together with an assurance that paperwork issues would not lead to deregistration... they were 'all good' and needed no further consultations."

So Porter gave his word. Was "his word" incorporated into an amended bill? No mention of that. It's just the word of a politician -- an assurance, not even a promise -- that it was "all good".

What fool would take the weasel word of a politician as gospel? Lanai Scarr? Or is she simply grinding an old political axe.

Thank goodness Hanson has more sense.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Experience is the comb life gives you once  you're bald" … per Ginger Meggs


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1 comment:

Orry said...
