Saturday 21 December 2019

Fwd: the Thunberg environment

I really dislike Greta Thunberg. As Paul Murray says (The West, 14 Dec), "she's worth ridiculing when she says and does things which are ridiculous." She says, for example, "I want you to take real action."

Murray and I are mature, intelligent adults. We know what is right, we know what is possible.

Then we look at traffic crawling up the freeway, spewing fumes into the air that we breathe. We look at essential industries, clearing natural forest and pouring pollution into the water that we drink. We look at the horizon-to-horizon housing where once there was fertile and productive land.

What can we do? What will we sacrifice in order to save the world? Who is going to give up comfort and convenience in the vague hope that it will make the world a slightly better place to live? Thunberg has no answers, only demands.

Murray and I are mature, intelligent adults. A child is asking questions -- making legitimate demands -- that we cannot answer. That makes us feel very uncomfortable.

And that is why I really dislike Greta Thunberg.


1 comment:

Orry said...

Good point. Bugger, someone has gotta make us think.