Saturday 14 December 2019

big bureaucracy, no action

Main Roads are a big bureaucracy. They have a big state to manage. They have standards, processes and a central coordination function.

Which all means: nothing gets done.

In Geraldton, the council requested a pedestrian crossing. Well, maybe they forgot to ask... they just painted their own zebra crossing pattern. "Urban art" on the road. Hmmm.

Main Roads said, Remove it. Said it three times. The "crossing" is still there.

"Main Roads has commenced and will continue to liaise with the city to arrive at an agreed approach that continues to create a safe environment for the sharing of the one-way section of Marine Terrace for pedestrians and motorists," says the Main Roads rep.

Meanwhile, Geraldton council has actually *done* something. Faster than the time it takes to faff around "liaising". Apparently what the council has done -- is effective.

Main Roads exercises its big bureaucracy prerogatives to demand removal, to commence liaison, to do nothing practical.

Geraldton council has acted. Successfully. Despite bureaucratic time-wasting. Well done.

It's a small thing. It works. Just do it.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"The trick to happiness isn't in clinging to each momentary pleasure but in ensuring one's life will produce many future moments to anticipate." ... adapted from Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson


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1 comment:

Orry said...

Can we just ignore the bureaucrats.