Monday 7 August 2023

unhealthy talk-fest

Amber-Jade Sanderson speaks: Our state health minister claims to know how many extra health professionals will be needed in another ten years. She's ready to stun us with facts and figures.
To summarise: we need more.
So what does she do? She wastes the time of thousands of current health professionals. at a "so important summit." Yes, she will spend hours telling people how much she claims to know. She will spend hours reading aloud, facts and figures -- guesses -- provided by her over-paid advisors.
What's the matter? Can these people not read?
No. The minister has to stand in the spotlight and look important. Wasting other people's time in order to boost her own self-importance.
What a waste of time.
We all know the problems. This is what the minister should do:
Stop whingeing about all the problems: find solutions. That's why you're in charge. Solve the problems -- and recruit more professional health staff. Solve the problems -- and set up work conditions so that staff want to stay. Put more health effort into prevention rather than treatment. Take actions that visibly solve at least some of the problems.
And *then* take as long as you like to tell us what you have done.
Earn the right to tell us that you have actually done something useful.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)


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