Saturday 2 July 2022

death and construction

there's been some fuss over a proposed children's' hospice.
I don't know why anyone bothers. The government has decided, therefore it will happen. it's not as if a local council is allowed to make a local decision.

So what's the fuss?

The government will spend $25mill (is that right?) on six or seven beds for dying children.

Is that right?. Or am I confused with the $25mill that it costs to put up an indigenous flag in Sydney? Anyway...

The government is happy to spend $25mill with its builder friends. That same government is too cheap to buy a suitable block of land.
For $7mill it could buy seven absolutely park- and lake-front properties in a rather nice suburb. Plenty of room there for a nice hospice.

But no. The government will take space from an "A-class Reserve". Don't they understand the meaning of "Reserve"?

No. politicians are not ignorant. They know exactly how to buy support from their builder friends.
Forget the dying kids.
This is all about power and influence.

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