Wednesday 1 February 2023

Lesser expectations

The Sunday paper asked chatGPT for an essay on the Gothic themes in Great Expectations.
The answer was printed. A generous teacher could have passed it for being easy to read.

The answer failed. It did not answer key questions:

What *are* Gothic themes?
Where are examples of how is each applied in the novel? (Or not.)

The AI app provided a loosely structured set of statements where concepts share a sentence with names and scenes from the novel. With no explanation of the relevance to "Gothic".

A generous teacher could have passed it as a high school assignment.
For a higher level it lacks substance.

I'm not worried that chatGPT will take over our thinking.
I would worry if that is an acceptable standard of question and answer in our schools.

Dr Nick Lethbridge, consulting dexitroboper
Problems ? Solved

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