Thursday 22 December 2022

watch that Bowser(2)

A Butler (22 Dec) is such a trusting soul.

When he pumps his first one or ten litres of fuel, how does he confirm that the volume is correct?
He should pump his ten litre sample into a calibrated container. Just to be certain.
then check the fuel itself.
a simple sniff will distinguish between diesel and petrol.
But is he paying for 98 and only receiving 91? check the fuel colour.
How much water is being delivered with the fuel? Take a sample and shake vigorously.Like an oil and vinegar salad dressing, diluted fuel will show with suspended bubbles.
Alternatively, carry a bag of anhydrous copper sulphate. This chemical will turn blue if there is water in the fuel.

finally, look at the payment receipt.
It shows litres, cost per litre and calculated total cost. Confirm that each of these matches the figure shown on the fuel pump. Use the calculator on your phone to check the cash register calculation of the total.

only with these simple checks will innocent motorists be able to avoid the criminal activities of the bowser owners.

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