Wednesday 22 June 2022

pay for forgiveness

the business of the casino is to make money. success is measured by profit. the more the better.

there are certain costs associated with the business. one of these costs is a fine for illegal activities.

certain acts are illegal. money laundering, for example. money laundering is what a casino does. very well.

luckily for the casino, the path to forgiveness is very short. no need to stop laundering. no need to change practices. no need to send directors or owners to jail. just pay a fine. factor the fine into the cost of doing business. a slight reduction in profit. then business as usual.

the fine is a bribe to the government. forgive us our sins and we will continue our criminal business. continue to make illegal profits. continue to pay the annual bribes as fines.

our government is about to increase the fines. that is, they will demand larger bribes.

there is only one honest way to prevent a casino from breaking the law: if they break the law, close them down. not pass ownership to the next crooked owners. close the entire criminal business.

either crime is illegal. or it is not.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper ... Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved === "I have seen the TRUTH -- and my chains have been broken" … Thrall === Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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