Saturday, 28 December 2024

early easter buns

various letter writers complain that christmas advertising starts very early. that christmas is barely over and easter buns are on shelves.
and why must we celebrate christmas by calling, happy holidays.

well, good news. we are allowed to celebrate easter with or without commercial fruit buns.
it is still legal, so i believe, to say merry christmas. especially if that is what we are celebrating.

one excellent suggestion is to merge the two seasons.
while at it, we may as well add happy hannukah and buy some potato pancakes.
plus happy kwanzaa while eating supermarket sweet potato pie.
and call ra ra ramadan while eating, well, very little. (no shop will fall for that one )

merge all religious food and festival fads into one, get the lot over with. all in one enormous commercial festive season.

although, no...

only christians seem to be subject to commercial profiteering. other religions will still scream about religious persecution. and, most likely, throw bombs.

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


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