Wednesday 25 October 2023

no surprises

Articles in the daily paper are so stupid that I can barely bear to rant.
It is easier to pretend that I do not care. Not that caring would help. Human cruelty and stupidity are built-in.

(1) Prisons are under-staffed. Guards are overworked, underpaid -- and allowed to practise only the most warm and fuzzy discipline. (A bit like teachers, really.)
Some little ratbag prisoner manages to kill himself before a guard can come in to save his miserable life. It turns out that a guard was snoozing...
Terrific. We can hang, draw and quarter that guard. No need to ask why the prisoner was in jail. No need to question the prisoner's lifestyle, family, motivations... Just shoot the guard. Problem solved. Bullshit.

(2) Trade with China involves regular unilateral attacks by China on Australian trade. Katina Curtis writes that the US is Australia's largest two-trade partner. Is that true? So why is it the Chinese arse that we are constantly told needs kissing?
That same article tells us that Australia is offering two billion dollars to get mines started. Whatever happened to capitalism? You know, where companies invest money because they plan to make a profit.
Give me two billion dollars and I'll be happy to pretend to start a mine.

(3) First we are told that Hamas chopped the heads off Israeli babies. An ABC journalist said that this is bullshit. The journalist is pulled out of Israel. Perhaps he knew something? There is no evidence either way -- and no apparent interest in discovering the truth.

(4) Josh Zimmerman details the flow of lies and disinformation from health ministers. There are lies, damn lies and political statements.

(5) It's clear that Kate Emery is an idiot. She explains the plot of "Killers of the flower moon" to her child, then wonders why her child is unwilling to grow up. It must be worry about climate change, writes Emery. Really? Or could the child be worried after watching three hours of serial murders motivated by money? We drag our children out of their childhood directly into the adult world of murder, greed and evil. Then wonder why the child is upset. Wake up and smell the shit, Emery.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

Whoever said "fighting never solves anything" obviously never won a fight

Dying for you to read my blog :-)

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