Monday 4 September 2023

dogged disagreement

Today's paper has an opinion piece about dogs, dog owners and dog poo.
Covid lock-in caused a lot of people to buy dogs for company. Now that we are out and about these "new" dog owners are failing to pick up their dog's poo. I disagree.

I have regularly walked the same path for forty years. Twenty years ago -- when we owned our own dog -- it was not safe to walk on the grass at the edge of the path. Dogs would squat and shit just off the path. Only a few owners would remove it.
Now, I walk the same path -- and the edges are almost clear. Current dog owners are picking up most of their dog's shit. It is a vast improvement on past performance.
Perhaps we just have better neighbours.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

Too many people consider themselves open-minded when they're really just empty-headed. (Alfred E. Neuman)


1 comment:

Orry said...

I agree. Still some who don't do the right thing, but definitely getting better