Monday 20 March 2023

ignore the problem

in a previous post i suggested developing a space industry so that we can ship nuclear waste into the sun. a reader commented on the risk of a waste-laden rocket crashing.
yes, i had considered that.
not a problem.
we will deal with it as we deal with other high risk developments.

First, we will launch from and over National Parks. any damage will be well away from rich suburbs.

we will set stringent conditions, such as, do not crash. the rocket company will say, yes, they will never crash.

then, like the Mint and the Casino, we will put our rich and powerful friends in charge. we pay them a lot to do nothing, say nothing, deny everything.

when a rocket crashes, as it will, we will fence off the radiation damaged area. only bush bashing 4WDs will be allowed in. out of sight, out of mind.

the rocket company will be fined a trivial amount. they will promise to be good in future. a few managers will be promoted or transferred. them back to business as usual.

except that the crash area is now so degraded that it will have to be sold to a property developer. who will promise to clean up the radiation. then do nothing except make a huge profit.

see? no problems at all.
it's all -- in different guises -- happened before. and been successfully denied.
not a problem.

Nick Lethbridge
consulting Dexitroboper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Problem well solved