Monday 9 May 2022

closed mind

Peter Baker complains about the closed captions on the ABC News, Letters 9 May.

When he uses a smart phone he may discover a thing called Voice Recognition: Speak to the phone and it will recognise what you say. Of course the phone has to learn to recognise your particular voice. Closed captioning listens to the newsreader and does its best.

Another thing which Peter may have forgotten since primary school  is "homophone", where two different words sound the same. A real challenge for humans as well as for computers.

Still. The point of communication is to transmit meaning. Peter easily identified the wooden meaning behind carry and marry. The captions are sometimes hilarious. They are better than missing all communication because you are deaf.

When Peter's phone can use context to distinguish between carry and Karri, the phone will be smart enough to write Peter's letters for him.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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"The measure of love is to love without measure" ... St Augustine

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