Sunday 24 February 2013

The cultural desert

That Griffin Longley bloke sure hit the nail on the bloody head. No cultural density in Perth. Too bloody right.

Perth is almost as bad as those bloody European places. I mean, what a bloody shallow lot they are.

We were in Barcelona last year. What a bloody cultural backwater! Talk about same, same, bloody same. Fish soup, paella, ham, cheese. Not a bloody pie and sauce anywhere. All tiny little bars, tiny little snack foods, not a pie warmer in sight.  Lucky for us there was a KFC across the bloody road.

And the buildings! All the bloody same! Not a straight square box to be seem. Just this bloody twisty, turny, tiled rubbish. Like some bloody art gallery display.

We thought we'd take in a bit of culture. Could we find a decent bit of cultural diversity? A Slim Dusty cover band? No bloody way! All bloody guitars. Not even rock guitars. All bloody Spanish classical guitars. Bloody hell.

What do these bloody foreigners do for a bit of cultural density?! Have ta go to some bloody foreign place for a bit of a change, I bet. Come to bloody Perth, I reckon.

Problems ? Solved

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