Tuesday 13 September 2005

The Bulgarian Mafia

I read in the paper the other day, that Bulgaria has suffered an epidemic of killings -- of mafia leaders. Suspicion has fallen on the government managed secret police, well known for their history of high profile assassinations. The story is that Bulgaria is trying to clean up its act as a precursor to joining the European Union. The mafia gives Bulgaria a bad name so the government is having mafia leaders killed. Sixty so far in the last few years. The problem is -- continues the report -- that this activity will discourage investment in Bulgaria... Investment by who? you may ask. (Or by whom? if you want to follow traditional rules of grammar.) My guess is, these killings will discourage investment by other mafia, from outside Bulgaria. The killings will discourage investment by other murderous, criminal thugs. After all, it's the mafia that is being targetted. Oh dear oh dear oh dear...

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