Friday, 10 January 2025

two news items

The paper labels a plane crash off  Rotto. as horror. 
yes, it's horrible. people die and I'm really pleased when I read that others did survive. 

in a completely different story:

a woman buys a child's nightie from Temu. it's cheap and pretty and is given as a present to a granddaughter. 

now I know that Temu is a market,  not a manufacturer. 
Asian manufacturers sell and deliver to Australians via Temu.
The role of Temu is to market... to offer discounts and bonuses so that buyers will buy more of the products for sale. 

because delivery is direct to Australia -- the manufacturers are able to bypass -- or ignore  --all Australian safety standards
In this case they ignore fire safety standards. 

t the granddaughter wore the nightie. 
was hit by sparks.  the nightie went up in flames. 

a young girl now faces a lifetime of plastic surgery. 
a grandmother now faces a lifetime of guilt. 

to me,  that story is a real horror. 

I still trust planes and flying. 
I will never, ever, buy anything via Temu.

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Wednesday, 8 January 2025

acceptable Australia Day?

Emma Garlett, Opinion 7th Jan wants a date for Australia Day which is acceptable to Whyt Australians without offending Blak Australians. 
Her objection to Jan 26th is reasonable and well presented. 
unfortunately Emma offers no alternative date -- acceptable or otherwise.

Can Garlett -- and other Blak and Whyt Australians -- accept 29th Sep?

On 29th Sep 1983 a Bill was enacted to give all indigenous Australians full voting rights -- and responsibilities. 

Commonwealth Electoral Legislation Amendment Act 1983


[NB: please confirm that name and the date! ]

From that date,  all Australians had equal,  free and compulsory involvement in the democratic management of our country. 

as a Whyt Australian I am proud of that acceptance of universal suffrage. Not every Blak Australian wanted that voting equality -- but everyone accepted it.  and no land was stolen. 

Make Australia Day 29th Sep each year.
Then we can all relax and enjoy the long weekend.

... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Thursday, 2 January 2025

NYE news

i watch various reports of NYE celebrations.
it all seems very peaceful.
in WA, anyway.
a very pleasant change from the usual NYE drinking and violence.

well done everyone.
im left smiling.

happy 2025 new year :-)

oh, im sure tomorrow will bring plenty that inspires my ranting again ...

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Wednesday, 1 January 2025

universal VAD

VAD must always be a freely available choice.There is no reason to follow the demands of Joe Said.
Said claims to represent a vindictive god creature. which enjoys the suffering of human beings who could otherwise die in relative peace.

Rather, we need to extend VAD as a free choice for anyone.
There are teenagers who are forced to suicide rather than face more time in jail.

offer these children a considered discussion of VAD.

Or take the far harder -- more humane -- option of providing the children with a life which is worth living
... while it is still possible

... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Saturday, 28 December 2024

watching watchers watch watchers

get rid of the CCC, corruption and crime commission.

when it finds corruption there is an appeal to a parliamentary commissioner.

whatever the results of the appeal, tere is an appeal to the premier.
after that? appeal to the high court?
what next, a letter to the King?

either trust the CCC to correctly identify corruption
... or close it down.

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


early easter buns

various letter writers complain that christmas advertising starts very early. that christmas is barely over and easter buns are on shelves.
and why must we celebrate christmas by calling, happy holidays.

well, good news. we are allowed to celebrate easter with or without commercial fruit buns.
it is still legal, so i believe, to say merry christmas. especially if that is what we are celebrating.

one excellent suggestion is to merge the two seasons.
while at it, we may as well add happy hannukah and buy some potato pancakes.
plus happy kwanzaa while eating supermarket sweet potato pie.
and call ra ra ramadan while eating, well, very little. (no shop will fall for that one )

merge all religious food and festival fads into one, get the lot over with. all in one enormous commercial festive season.

although, no...

only christians seem to be subject to commercial profiteering. other religions will still scream about religious persecution. and, most likely, throw bombs.

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Friday, 27 December 2024

better teachers

thank god for the genius of terry walker, letters 27 dec.

with no knowledge of teaching, all he needs is an hour in the lunch room, to identify "good" teachers.
he does seem to have a simple measure:

look how neatly mr canehard removes the crusts of his peanut butter sandwiches. the school canteen could sell those sandwiches at a huge profit. Double that man's salary.

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper