Wednesday 6 November 2024

I hope I was dreaming

I hope that I was dreaming when I heard, or, I hope, mis-heard, this snippet of news:

WA has a billionaire miner. Yes, another.
This one has been found to have acted... without regard for ethics. Yes, another.

What I think I heard:

The unethical billionaire donated $9,000 to the WA Labor party. Well, why not. That's how any billionaire buys political favours A very cheap price, too.

And yet... in light of today's news...
with various individuals and organisations rushing to distance themselves from the now *in* famous billionaire -- and his money and his possibly-corrupting influence...
Our Premier is asked, Will you return that "tainted" money?

I mean, How stupid can Premier Cook possibly be?
Of course he -- or the Labor Party -- will return the money.
No-one... no one honest... wants to be associated with "tainted" money.
I mean, mud sticks.

But No.

Premier Cook says,
No, we will not return that $9,000.

Surely I imagined that? I hope so.

Remember Blazing Saddles? The list of thugs, crooks, criminals, etc who are required to attack Rock Ridge?

Will Premier Cook take dirty, stolen, tainted money from any or all of those criminals?
Of course he will. Why not?
Money -- to Cook -- is money. His money now.

So Premier Cook will keep the tainted money.
And be forever associated with its tainted source.

Just how stupid is Premier Cook?

Just hand back the money. With a polite apology, perhaps. In light of the current news, we can't... etc etc.
Back away. Now.

Or forever be the WA Premier who will take money... is that "gift" a bribe? From anyone, Is that person a real criminal? Where did they get their money ?

etc etc etc...

I hope that I was imagining that half-heard snippet of news.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Independent Dexitroboper

half blind, half deaf, dying of cancer,
So what.


Trump wins

In hindsight...
This is why Trump won:

Americans are sick and tired of being told that they must put everyone else first.

Immigration: so a million people want to walk out of Mexico and -- against all laws -- those people "must" be allowed to walk into the US. 
Because those million people are more important than the existing 500million US citizens. Really?

The US "must" allow China to sell cars in the US
Why? So that China can build up its car manufacturing at the expense of manufacturing in the US?
But why.
Because... the people of China are more important than... the millions of current US citizens who earn a living in US car manufacturing. Really?

Trump says, make America great.

Which sounds a lot like...
Put America *first*, again.

I think Americans like that.
I would.


And tomorrow...

In Australia:

Let's put Australians first.

half blind. half deaf. dying of cancer.
so what? :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Fake ABC

As expected, The West is making a full meal of the ABC's stuff-up on "war crime" reporting from Afghanistan.
This time -- The West is correct.

Sometimes the ABC is Australia's  conscience. Digging into topics which the rest of us ignore, or would rather deny.

This time -- the ABC went out of its way to destroy individual reputations.
Destroy, apparently, for no better reason than to build a saleable story.

Using faked sound effects. So fake that they now admit it was... done for deliberate effect.

An eyewitness who... even at the time... admitted that he saw nothing.
Then repetitious interviews with locals.
Locals who, guess what? Are the enemy.
The reporter expects honest answers from the very people we are there to kill,for be killed by?
Oh, bloody hell.

We -- our people, our government -- send young people to risk their lives, to defend themselves against an enemy who have already demonstrated murderous treachery.
And reporters ask these enemy, Did our own soldiers treat you nicely enough?
Bloody hell.

The West complains of the $400,000 court cost.
I complain about the complete lack of honesty.

The West covers up, hides, ignores, denies its mistakes, its bias. No worries, it's a commercial organisation, there to make a profit.

The ABC claims to be news we can trust.
Then shows that it is perfectly willing to lie... to lie, in support of its own -- or its employees' -- private agendas.

I'd sack the lot of them.
From lying reporter to failing to -manage director.

Then rebuild as an organisation which can be trusted.
Trusted at least to be honest.

"Truth" is variable. A conscience may include bias and misunderstanding.
Outright lies are unacceptable.


half blind. half deaf. dying of cancer.
so what? :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Tuesday 5 November 2024

Fly high or fail.

Don't we just love our criminals :-)
So he is a "cut-throat dealmaker? I don't care, it's not *my* throat. Not this time, anyway.

He "flew too close to the Sun"

Funny, I always thought that criminals gained heat from flying in the opposite direction.

Then we have a column of his "advisers" who have sucked up... been tsucked up... as close as possible.
Adding a veneer of respectability to the throat cutter.

Sports stars. Politicians. Business leaders.

You can bet that there advice was hedged around with plausible deniability

Perhaps you could do this... not that I would suggest it of course... but you... may want to consider what could happen if...
All the time, hoping to catch some of the golden bounty which drips from the grubby hands of the man with more flexible morals.

And now watch those moral cowards back away...

It happened with the casino enquiry.

Oh, I didn't really know what was happening.
I was paid a heap so I just... turned up and nodded. We were never in a real... business relationship...
Just, well, you know, chaps helping chaps with a bit of highly paid... oh, but never deliberate... image enhancement.

The man built his own business.
Made his own billions
He is fully entitled to use his own property as he sees fit.
Or even use it as far as he sees that he can get away with it.

When he draws in other investors -- includes other people in his dealings. That is when he owes a duty of care... a moral duty... to those other people.

They may all be aware of the lack of moral standards. That may be why they are standing so close to the man... to profit from the actions of the one man who is willing to ignore rules.

The man still owes a duty of care to those uninvolved... so very carefully uninvolved...
People who are now depending on one cut-throat businessman to bring home the gold that they are afraid to grub for, themselves.

And now the poor man is left with nothing.
Well, nothing except the few billions which he will have salted away... somewhere. Somewhere hidden but... very accessible... when he needs it.

Ah well.
If I were ever offered a few million to help a crook to look more honest?

Would I happily accept?
Or would have the courage to at least say...
Just let me think about it.

I would probably accept the benefits.
Rationalise my reasoning.
Take the benefits.
Perhaps within some limits, I've done that, before.
Our criminals offer so many benefits to the rest of us... 
Is that enough reason for us to love --and even support -- our criminals?

It's reason enough for most of us.

half blind. half deaf. dying of cancer.
so what? :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Too old for UOM

I glance quickly at a news article about a new floating jetty in Broome.

Two hundred metres, I read.
A long jetty, I think.

Then read it again...

How old am I? I think.
Why would anyone measure a jetty in metres?
I read again.
No. Not a two hundred metre jetty.
200m, perhaps.

The correct -- the interesting measure of the jetty is...
It's a $200m jetty.

Ah, that's more interesting :-)

The news from Broome is about a two hundred million dollar jetty.
Ah! That's more like it :-)
The jetty may barely reach from sand to sea.
Two hundred metres? Who cares.

But look how much it costs.

I must learn to read more carefully :-)

half blind. half deaf. dying of cancer.
so what? :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Monday 4 November 2024

more woke than you

Caitlyn Rintoul feels uncomfortable when her share driver makes a casually racist comment.

Okay, so Rintoul is desperately woke, no worries about that.

"That generalisation was unhelpful", she informs the driver.

Good grief.
You are paying someone to drive you somewhere.
Are you so desperately afraid of being seen to be human that you must respond to stupidity with parrot-fashion political correctness?

Whatever happened to the simple but sad shake of the head.
Perhaps even a raised eyebrow.

Rintoul must prove her superior wokeness with a superior put-down. 

The poor thing.
... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Independent Dexitroboper

half blind, half deaf, dying of cancer,
So what.


truth, belief, response

Which experts did Miller, 4th Nov. believe?
Then what action did he take?
He happily sneers at "government experts" who were slow to recognise covid risks.

Knock knock.

Did Miller fail to notice that the CEO of WHO -- the World Health Organisation -- WHO was in denial, 

Who's there
of any covid risk at all, till it was far too late for an effective global response.

Rambling into another topic, Miller wonders about the role of humour in serious illness.
Well, that probably 

depends on the ill person.
 Are they ready 

Stop the funeral!

I still find that hell funny.

to laugh? Some are not.

... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Independent Dexitroboper

half blind, half deaf, dying of cancer,
So what.
