Is this correct:
The much-hyped long-listed "yarn" by an established author is to be permanently hidden behind the requirement for a a "min $32" online subscription?
Readers who only pay for a daily paper will never know what hints he used to let his friends on the "independent" panel of judges know who he is.
Perhaps a passing reference to his great grandad Joseph Furphy?
What other furphies are carefully hidden behind the interests of online marketing?
For example. We will never discover how he was able to bypass the stated requirements for narrative structure.
He is proud to say that he cannot be bothered to think of either a start or a finish.
What else if carefully hidden?
Makes. You wonder, doesn't it.
... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands
6 Thornbill Way / 0419197772
half blind. half deaf. dying of cancer.
so what?
Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper
so what?
Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper