Thursday 17 October 2024

Shouting protests

Here's a suggestion for the protestors who shout down politicians:
Next time, bring your guns.
After all, you do not want to listen. All you want is to rule the country... without going through all the democratic processes of being elected.

half blind. half deaf. dying of cancer.
so what? :-)

Shift in attitude

Oops! Wrong blog :-?

I may be able to sort it out... later.
ah no... it's *also* here for the rant against doulas :-)

Here's the thing: I am now facing real death.
For seven years it has been *definite* death. My GBM4 is said to be terminal, aggressive, incurable.
Still, easy enough to deny, ignore or cope with.
With no deadline, just past records which give life expectancy from 18 months to, perhaps five years.
After five years, well... I've been laughing. Very easy to ignore ( though not forget) reality.
Anyway, once I passed 70 years old I felt, that's a good lifetime of years :-)

And suddenly, my life is measured in... still uncertain! but a lot less.
Because the cancer is now very active. And it is active in an area of brain which *will* kill me.
Very hard to ignore.

Remember those "death doulas"? They have *never* ever faced their own, definite death. How could they possibly know what it is like?

Well, I now know what it is like.
[End of rant]

A bit scary but, not so bad. Worse than the last years, yes but, well...

And of the actual moment of death... I still know nothing. Because I have not yet been there.

I hope to add a bit of understanding, if I'm able.

But I'm not going to charge money for services for which  I have as little real understanding as anyone else.
Now... end of rant, really :-)

half blind. half deaf. dying of cancer.
so what? :-)

Fwd: Opportunity lost (NFP

This one not for publication,

I sent the letter below earlier. Hoping (still) for publication, of course.

But now in October:

Do you have someone who is interested in considering... is there a potential news or analysis or report in my app story?

My interest is, of course, personal: I developed the app. With Tourism in mind.

... there will be a major, quite informal, test of the app in November.

With the WTC, World Tourism Conference in town in October, the topic is very current. Covering:
... Tourism,
  Will attendees get more than a guided tour of yet another golf course?

... Local WA genius :-)
The app is a purely WA development but will support and build Tourism anywhere in the world.

... Difficulty of starting a new idea,
there is no "suggestion box " Unless you are already rich and well connected.

... Role of "advisors" as blockers
how will a Minister hear anything new when they hire only "political" advisors.

I'm happy to discuss and explain for hours.
Email is better... see my signature lines below.

I'd love to hear from someone... interested or not :-)
If you're at all willing, I'll get you interested! And informed as well. My key problem is to stop!

Thank you,
... Nick Lethbridge

half blind. half deaf. dying of cancer.
so what? :-)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nick Lethbridge <>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024, 12:07 pm
Subject: Opportunity lost
To: letters to The West <>

A major tourism conference in WA. An amazing opportunity to announce a phone app which would increase visitor numbers. Double the time spent by each visitor to WA. Treble the number of destinations visited by each and every visitor.

An app developed entirely in WA. On offer --free -- to any WA tourism operator while its market reach is established. Stun the visiting tourism leaders with something absolutely new and unique -- from WA. An app which will want all tourism operators to know more. About the app and about WA.

So what happens?
Nothing. Of course.
No, it's  not the fault of the Minister. I doubt that she ever heard of the app.

I spent six months exchanging emails with a Principal Policy Advisor.
As far as I can tell he never cared. He never even asked for further information.
He seemed to see his role to be -- to prevent any new ideas from reaching the ears of the Minister. And this is a political hack being paid to "advise" the government.
A complete waste of space.
Another wasted opportunity.
Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

dying for you to read: :-)

Law and war

No town can get by with only one lawyer. A lawyer's business is to attack or defend against another lawyer.
A problem with war is that it only needs a single aggressor.
Then the other "side" is either fighting the war -- or dead.
... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

My body is a temple to health and fitness.
but there is a devil-worshipper in the temple: :-)

Suitable colours

A photo in the paper shows the King and Queen in colour-matched blue suits. Not too dark.

In Australia, no business person with any hope of status would wear anything other than a full suit. In black. Possibly dark grey or very dark blue.
This in a country with a stinking hot climate.
Are we just afraid of looking comfortable?

My body is a temple to health and fitness.
but there is a devil-worshipper in the temple: :-)

Australian birth rate plummets

Our birth rate could soon be as low as in Germany, Sweden...
Best news for ages.

My body is a temple to health and fitness.
but there is a devil-worshipper in the temple: :-)

I don't see no crisis

The world is screaming for more sources energy.
We are doomed, doomed to a dark and gloomy future, if we don't increase energy sources -- and cut down on energy  use.

A town councillor wants to *not* install massive electric light displays on a giant tree in a public park.
Celebrate in your own home, on a much smaller -- and personal -- scale, he suggests.

Grinch! Screams the paper.
No way *I'm*going to help save the planet.

Aren't we all a bunch of deadheads.

My body is a temple to health and fitness.
but there is a devil-worshipper in the temple: :-)