Friday 29 November 2019

no news today

There's an interesting article in today's paper, I decide to save it for later re-reading. I could cut it out but that would remove whatever is on the back of that page... oh, not to worry, on the back is an ad.

It's easy enough to remove the entire sheet of paper, four pages of the daily paper. But what other articles will I be removing?

The article of interest is, perhaps 20% of its page. There are two other articles, a generous estimate gives them another 20% of this page. The remaining 60% is ads.

What about the other three pages? What will I lose, to get my one article to keep?

The facing page is 100% advertisement. I look at the back of the sheet. The back of that sheet -- two pages -- is 100% advertisements. One page advertises huge savings one day only. The other pages pushes betting on cricket.

So... articles on 20% + 20% of one page. Plus zero % of three pages. That gives articles on just 10% of this four-page sheet of paper.

Good news: I can remove the entire sheet -- this is the simple option -- without losing any important stories. Bad news: 90% of this sheet of paper is ads. Good news: selling ads lowers the price -- to the reader -- of the daily paper. Bad news: that's a lot of trees destroyed to gain profit from a paper.

Here's my suggestions:

Don't waste the paper, it makes good garden compost. Also useful for wrapping up dog shit, though that is generally considered unsuitable for garden compost.

Don't depend on the daily paper for "news", ads are more important to the publishers. Check the ABC news site for better quality news -- though limited in scope -- but with no ads. And check The Onion for its very limited stories with no relevance to local news... but at least they *intend* to be funny.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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"Experience is the comb life gives you once  you're bald" … per Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

Orry said...

I only use ABC online news.