Thursday 28 November 2019

death and democracy

An opposition politician -- Nick Goiran -- is doing his best to delay the passing of a "voluntary assisted dying" -- euthanasia -- bill. Goiran has religious objections to euthanasia. The West -- a daily rag which is the degenerate descendant of a daily newspaper -- says that Goiran is acting undemocratically.

Sorry, but Goiran is acting within the rules of our democratically elected parliament. Not within the spirit, perhaps, but well within the rules. That is our democracy: we elect people, they set rules, we all follow the rules.

If we don't like the rules, we change them. How? By getting our elected representatives to change the rules. If that requires the election of representatives who will change those rules well, that's how our democracy works.

What if we want to change the rules but there is not the required majority of elected representatives? Well, the rules will not change. That's democracy.

Meanwhile, Goiran is acting within the rules of our democracy.

So to Goiran I say: carry on. It's good to see a politician thinking for himself, doing what he believes is right. I hope that he will ultimately fail -- I support the individual's right to euthanasia. But time is not of the essence, there will be a never-ending supply of people who want the right to choose the manner of their own death.

Various politicians mutter in support of The West, they claim to want the bill to be passed. Or, at least, dealt with and out of their hair. Really? Maybe.

I have yet to hear those politicians -- or the daily paper -- making suggestions about changing the rules of parliamentary debate. No-one, apparently, is learning from this experience. Or perhaps they are learning? Learning a new way to delay the acceptance of bills with which they disagree.

To these politicians I say: stop attempting to score points -- and change the rules. Ask me, I can suggest several ways that will improve parliamentary debate. And if you don't like my ideas, vote against them. Because that is democracy.

Meanwhile, the leader of Goiran's party claims that yes, she does want this euthanasia bill to be passed. Unfortunately, it seems, she has no control over the member of her party. Really?

Try this: tell Goiran that he is no longer the party spokesperson for (or against) this bill. Do you really want this bill to be passed? Remove Goiran's official imprimatur as the party representative. No, it won't stop his stalling tactics. At least it will show that you half-way support what you say.

Do you disagree with Goiran just this one time? Or do you truly believe that his approach is wrong... Make sure that he is not preselected by your party for the next election. He can still run as an independent. As a member of your party, Goiran represents your party views. Preselect him again and you are supporting his stalling tactics. For this and other bills.

And in his electorate: if you like Goiran's tactics and support his views -- vote for him again.

That's what our democracy is all about.

Nick Lethbridge  /  consulting dexitroboper
"If we really did profit from our mistakes, I'd be rich" … per Ginger Meggs

1 comment:

Orry said...
