Monday 3 December 2012

"The shopping event"

Shane Wright, economics editor at The West, has an article about shopping, "Online just a new retail phase" (3Dec12). He argues that online shopping is here to stay, that it is simply the next stage of catering to the "desires and tastes of shoppers."

Of shopping at an old style bricks and mortar shop he writes, "Just going to the department store was an event -- and still is for those who know Myer in Melbourne."

I did that myself, earlier this year. I went shopping at Myer in Melbourne. An event, indeed...

The shop is large. Well signposted though. We soon found the women's shoe section. We soon found some nearly suitable shoes, too. We wondered if the shoes were available in a suitable size...

So we looked for some help. A shop assistant, for example. We looked for someone to tell us, yes, we have these shoes in your size.

Actually... we would have been happy to find a shop assistant who would take our money... The shoes were a short term solution. The pair that we were holding were good enough to wear for the short time required.

There was no shop assistant to be seen.

They were not busy. They were... not... there.

We left. Shoeless.

Perhaps that could be a reason for the drift to online shopping.

Why go to the city to be ignored? You can do your shopping in the comfort of your own home. And have plenty of time left over, to go to a more enjoyable "event".

Does online shopping provide only limited service to the shopper? So what... Myer in Melbourne provides no service whatsoever.

In my limited experience of one visit.

One visit which taught me, Never again.

Potential customer. Lost.

Problems ? Solved

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