Saturday 15 December 2012

Drive for speed... or pleasure

We left home at about ten in the morning. Possibly a bit earlier. Not early enough to be anything but a relaxed start to our first day away. Away on a short holiday in the southwest of Western Australia.

Onto the freeway, heading south. Another unpleasant drive down the freeway.

The freeway -- or Forrest Highway -- is the you-beaut link between Perth and Bunbury. It cuts five minutes off the three hour journey, or some such exciting benefit.

What it really does, is to change a pleasant drive in the country into a traffic-filled race with all the other city drivers. Fast, flat and boring. No small towns to add interest. No spots to pull off the road for a break. Just drive, drive, drive.

We turned off for "services" towards Pinjarra. No indication of the distances to the promised services but we knew that Pinjarra was not very close. So we tried the nearby Resort.

There's a picture of a cup... a claim that the resort offers tea and coffee. The obvious building -- the one with the parking area -- is most unwelcoming.

A nearly empty carpark. No obvious front door. No welcome sign. No sign even of interest in attracting customers.

We drove on. To the delightful and historic tearooms by the river, at Pinjarra. Where we had coffee and cake -- rather expensive but delicious, and supporting local enterprise.

Our drive continued. Down South West Highway.

Yes, we could have returned to Forrest Highway.

We preferred to *enjoy* the rest of our drive.

Problems ? Solved

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