Tuesday 4 December 2012

Offensive tackle by ex footballer

"Technically, Ashton isn't qualified to change a bandaid."

According to Jon Fogarty, you must be qualified to change a bandaid if you want to evaluate a computer based patient records system.

Is this the sign of a coward on the run? You're scared, so you run for cover. And as you run you hit out -- preferably at a target too weak to hit back.

A very offensive tackle.

It does, however, raise an interesting question. What qualifications are required to run a hospital?

Is it enough to be an ex footballer? Is it enough to be a millionaire? Is Fogarty qualified to even change a bandaid?

Apparently -- according to Fogarty -- you need some level of medical qualification to hire consultants to check an IT system. Yet Fogarty is quite happy to put himself in charge of an entire hospital. Systems, patients, health-care and all.

When money is the motive, expect health-care to go out the door.

Problems ? Solved

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