Friday, 21 February 2025

sense and Spackman

at least one political candidate can see and speak the obvious truth.

children fail to go to school so they learn nothing.
the kids' only option is to live with the drunk and disgusting relatives. then follow the  family and friends into crime, to get some food.

a Fitzroy Crossing elder has said much the same.
where alcohol is banned, cannabis is cheaper. cannabis suppliers also supply meth.,, meth suppliers commit and encourage crime.

Then there is Isaacs. A member of the stolen generation... dragged forcibly away from the shithole of 
indigenous misery.
Isaacs is educated -- and now has a very well paid job.
... thanks to his "stolen generation" removal.

our premier is happily shouting insults and kissing arse on behalf of his billionaire mining backers.
Other politicians offer cash bribes -- but never take any actual action.

Please promote Spackman. He is an honest candidate who can recognise and state the obvious truth.

Give me the chance and he will get my vote.

... Nick Lethbridge,  Churchlands

6 Thornbill Way / 0419197772
dying for you to read it :-)

brain fading, typing blind
if this email is nonsense, pls guess or ask
ndependent Consulting dexitroboper


Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Hello Kate,

It's good to read that you are against  hiring staff just because they are "the most familiar".

You are also "social affairs editor.
So you are well and truly aware that a business is a "social" organisation.
As such... employees will find it easier to work with people who share their understandings. Language, in particular. Also standards, such as honesty, willingness to offer and accept bribes.

Now look at your own social circle: Are you maintaining your preferred standards?

Are your close friends 51/49% male, female?

Do you tell family members that you are going on holiday with a group of Afghan refugees because you are enforcing standards of diversity.

Do you regularly go to lunch with well-spoken foreigners because your familiar school friends do not correctly balance enforced counts of public diversity?

Or does your support of enforced diversity apply only to other people?

... nick lethbridge, Churchlands

brain fading, typing blind
If msg is nonsense pls -- guess or ask

dying for you to read it :-)


Monday, 17 February 2025

school lunches

Eat Up is a charity which provides free lunches for hungry school children.
a filling lunch could be 2 or 4 slices of white, or fancy, bread. coated with peanut paste.
by my calculation this charity pays $30 per lunch,

how much does this "charity" scrape off for its own profit?

and the parents who cannot afford a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut paste each week? would it be possible for them to stop smoking?

oh. and the "charity" is expecting the government to provide future funding... five times as much.
what a rip off
dying for you to read it :-)

brain fading, typing blind
if this email is nonsense, pls guess or ask
ndependent Consulting dexitroboper


Tuesday, 11 February 2025

not a team

how can a basket ball "team" have one player as a "most valued player".
one player, paid more than any other. given praise above all others.
totally kills the idea of a "team" sport.
dying for you to read it :-)

brain fading, typing blind
if this email is nonsense, pls guess or ask
ndependent Consulting dexitroboper


blind leading blind

Emma Garlett complains that "the Blak Whyt Gap" is not closing.
Opinion 11 Feb.

She also demands that future Gap closing be lead by the people who are firmly on the "wrong" side of the Gap.

Yes, Garlett, you will be writing the same idiot article for many more years.
unless you accept the necessity of accepting advice from people who actually know something.
... Nick Lethbridge,  Churchlands
dying for you to read it :-)

brain fading, typing blind
if this email is nonsense, pls guess or ask
ndependent Consulting dexitroboper


Saturday, 8 February 2025

destroy another national park

there's a "proposal" to build a luxury hotel in the Bungle Bungles.

why not? it's only a supposedly protected national park.

there's a statement
The government says concerns can be addressed during the formal assessment process.

which an be read as, 

it's going to happen.
there will be so-called public discussion sessions.

that is where you will be told about the decisions that the government has already made

discussion? as if :-(

dying for you to read it :-)

brain fading, typing blind
if this email is nonsense, pls guess or ask
ndependent Consulting dexitroboper


Aussie normal

Thomas Brennan writes of his life under threat.
He has been hated, bashed, insulted, threatened.
Letters 8th Feb.

yet no-one is hinting at terrorism.
there are no suggestions of hate crimes.

if only Brennan were Jewish. Because Jews are somehow different.

but no, Brennan is queer.

there is no offence in hating Queers.
no terrorism in bashing Queers.

poofter bashing is just a fine Australian entertainment.

sad, isn't it.

...Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands
dying for you to read it :-)

brain fading, typing blind
if this email is nonsense, pls guess or ask
ndependent Consulting dexitroboper