Sunday, 2 February 2025

tourism WA mis-management

Does Evan Hall really expect good support for tourists from the idiots at tourism WA? He needs to look at the tourism wa website.

the theme is walking the dream.

supported by an app
... a movie
... of a racing car driver.

a driver who never walks.

the app never shows anywhere to *walk* the dream.

there is a rally car that drives at high speed through the centre of the dream.

tourism WA spend millions on a theme.
Probably millions more to film a race car driver.
and are too stupid to match the app to the theme.

and far too stupid to understand what a real tourist actually needs. tourism WA staff have clearly never been tourists.

check their travel will always have been "as the special guided and pampered guest of" 
... well, probably as guests of the various companies which are then paid to bring unwanted acts to WA.

the only sign of good sense from tourism WA is that they refuse to tell anyone how much they pay the acts, in return for the blatant bribery.

... Nick Lethbridge,  Churchlands

brain fading, typing blind
If msg is nonsense pls -- guess or ask

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


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