Monday 3 July 2023

gimme shelter

We have two separate problems with accommodation:
Lack of housing.
People who are homeless.

There is a huge cost of repairing public housing. This is because not everyone is able to live in a house. Yet they still need shelter.

Some people need a house in which to live.
Some only need shelter, from the elements and from other people.
Others need the comfort and security of a home.

All people need shelter. Not everyone needs a house. Not everyone can cope with a house.
Support for the homeless need not require a house.
We need to look for and accept alternate solutions.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

The stupid person says, "It's impossible". The smart person says, "It's possible, if we can get enough stupid people to do it." (Alfred E. Neuman)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes we surely do.