Wednesday 5 May 2021

He spilt the milk himself

Various Australian cricket professionals are "stuck" in India.

Michael Slater, for example, is sobbing into his enormous pay-packet as a now-ex-commentator. There's blood on the PM's hands, he screams.


It's fourteen months -- since March 2020 -- since the world realised that international travel has become dangerous.

It's a week since more sensible -- less greedy -- cricketers fled from India. They saw the disaster unfolding around them. Put health above money. Left India. What was Slater thinking then?

Yes, those cricketers went via Qatar -- attempting to cheat Australia quarantine rules. They could have stayed two weeks -- just fourteen days -- in Qatar and no-one would have cared.

Slater couldd have left India. Stayed two weeks in Qatar -- or any other country which is willing to take people from India. He didn't. How slow is he?

And now it's worse. Because other cricketers cheated the system. That is not Slater's fault. It's the fault of other people who stayed too long in their hunt for money. Then bypassed restrictions. Highlighted their me-first attitude. And forced the rules to be tightened.

Fourteen months of worldwide warning. Several months of a worsening disaster in India. Slater made the obvious decision -- far too late.

What? You've finally jumped off that cliff? And *now* you want us to catch you?

Sorry, too late. Forget it.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

There are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters... Boris Johnson

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