Monday 3 May 2021

Greens miss the point

The Greens party will try to shame businesses into returning JobKeeper payments where -- as it turned out -- the business did not need it.


The government offered money. Businesses applied, matched the criteria, were given the money.

The businesses would have been failing their owners if they did not apply for the money. Having -- legally -- received the money, they would be failing their owners if they returned the money.

Sure, a business could return the money. But there is no need. No requirement. Not even a moral obligation.

If there is a fault -- it is with the government. They predicted the future... put forward preventative measures... supported businesses according to expectations.

The prediction of the future was faulty. As are most predictions of the future.

The government did its best. It's best was not entirely necessary. But the deed has been done.

The government paid a heap of money -- in an attempt to protect the future. The future did not need so much protection. Businesses made a windfall gain -- by fulfilling all government requirements.

If businesses hand back money it's a donation. It is not a requirement.

It has been expensive. It worked in part. In parts it... did not fail... but was unnecessary.

End of story.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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