Saturday 11 January 2020

transgender birth

Somewhere in the wild world of social media, one person said, Only women can have babies. For saying such a terrible thing (no, don't ask me what's so terrible) that person was banned from a planned part in a podcast.

In a letter to today's paper is the statement from Frank: Only females give birth.

In another letter Jasmine tells us her truth: Transgender men can and do give birth.

In Wikipedia, "Transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their sex assigned at birth."

To make sense of Jasmine's "truth", a transgender man is really a man with a woman's body. A woman can say, today I am a man, today I am pregnant, therefore a man can give birth. Take that, Frank!

Today I shall identify myself as a multigender, transspecies jellyfish. See? Even a jellyfish can look like a man.

We can play with words. We can call ourselves whatever we want. It doesn't alter the basic binary system of human genders.

Nor does it change anything when we refuse to listen to people with different ideas.

Nick Lethbridge  /  consulting dexitroboper
"I bought shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day." … Steph on Twitter

1 comment:

Orry said...

So true.