Sunday 19 January 2020

sporting weight

I never really understand weight categories for sport... Well, okay, I do:

As an 85kg adult I could probably, in a boxing match, thrash the living daylights out of a 40kg child. If winning is my only aim then I will happily cheat to be in the 40kg children's competition.

A young woman died in her efforts to lose weight in order to fight against "lighter" muay thai competitors. Presumably she could not beat people in her normal weight range so she wanted to thrash the little punks in the lighter category.

When I compete in an age category it is based on my actual age. And on the actual age of all the competitors. If I compete in a weight category I expect to compete against people of my own weight.

In a sport with weight categories -- use actual weight. Weigh competitors well before the competition. Weigh them regularly. Whatever weight they are usually at -- that is their competition weight.

If you can't win against people in your own weight range -- or age range -- train harder. Or accept that you can't always win in a fair fight.

Nick Lethbridge  /  consulting dexitroboper
"I bought shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day." … Steph on Twitter

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