Monday 19 July 2021

Goodbye common sense

What a clever government we have.

They have thrown money at people who may want to build a house. They have also simplified the approvals process for major developments. That is, made it easier to build massive new buildings. Of course the end result of all this is that builders and tradies are too busy inflating their prices to... actually build. So no houses are being built.

Now the government is paying travel agents. The payments will go to tourists (ha ha) as an encouragement for the tourists to see a lot more of our state. These would be the tourists who are... not coming to our state because our government likes to close our borders.

Other than covid-infected tourists... what resource is so scarce that it limits both development and our lifestyle? Water, of course.

So our government is pushing hard to develop "a hydrogen economy" What a pity that a hydrogen economy requires unlimited supplies of... you guessed it... water.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


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