Thursday 21 May 2020

More practical Regions

The problem with the corona-regions is that they are isolated. More specifically, most of our population is in Perth and tourism hotspots are cut off from Perth.

Try this:

Each region is defined by its main access road. For example...

If you live in Perth and want to visit Broome, you *must* follow the yellow highway. And come home the same way. (Bus companies and car rentals could boom.)

The blue "region" to the east is for visits to Goldfields, Esperance and to look at the Eastern States border crossing. And so on.

The beauty of our state road system is that it is not easy to get from one major route to another. Travellers can visit locations to either side of their route, they can be politely asked to not cross to another route.

Perhaps add a checkpoint just north of Exmouth, another to the west of Esperance. The pattern of major roads makes for "automatic" regional boundaries.

The hordes of people in Perth can bring their tourist dollars to each and any region. Region dwellers can get to the State's capital city.

No more regional isolation.

... Nick

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved
"No sense being pessimistic. It wouldn't work anyway." … per Ginger Meggs
Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

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