Friday 22 September 2017

Minimum drink pricing

Our politicians are worried that cheap booze will encourage poor people to be alcoholics. Just like France... Spain... various other well-known countries... where cheap wine guarantees that every citizen is an alcoholic.

Maybe. I've read both yes and no.

The booze sellers disagree. Raise the price of cheap booze and we'll need to raise the price of more expensive booze, they say. Why hurt everyone just because some poor people may have a problem. Social responsibility, I would say. Take a personal hit to protect the vulnerable.

Maybe. But I'm a non-drinker.

Why do politicians believe that raising prices will reduce consumption by addicts? Do they really believe it? Are politicians able to see deeper than the rest of us? Do they see all the way down to... increased revenue for government?


I see alcoholism as an individual problem. Addictive personality? Drinking to forget? Fitting in with "friends"? Individual not society's problems. If the individual wants help -- or is willing to accept help -- it would be nice if society were to provide that help.

Alcoholism may lead to a problem for society in general -- when the alcoholic hurts other people. Violence? Theft? Dangerous driving? That is where an alcoholic may become a problem for society. That is where we already have laws, to at least deal with the offender -- alcoholic or not. Unfortunately this is normally after the damage is done.

Extra taxes are no answer.

... Treat all offenders equally. You are an alcoholic? So what. That is no excuse for breaking the law. Drunk or sober, you committed the crime. Drunk or sober, you are responsible for all of your own actions.

... Look at our laws. There are graded "punishments", from first offenders through to professional criminals. Can we do something similar before an actual crime is committed? (Maybe we already do?)

So discussing, planning, threatening, intending to commit a crime... could lead to a warning, optional counselling, compulsory counselling, treatment for your claimed alcoholism... All the useful *preventative* measures. Before your loss of control -- or deliberate malice -- hurt another person.

Graded prevention rather than all or nothing punishment.

Simple? No.

Possible? Perhaps.

Worth trying? Definitely.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"No matter where you go, there you are." ... Confucius ?


Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

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