Friday 18 August 2017

Right is Wrong

"It is important for all those in positions of responsibility to condemn far-right views wherever we hear them." So says the British PM. There is, apparently, no need to condemn far-left views. In other words, far-right bad, far-left good.

Perhaps we should just try to be tolerant.

In Charlottesville, the mother of the dead young woman is upset. Acceptably and understandably so. She says, "They tried to kill my child to shut her up."

They?! How many people were driving that car?! Why generalise grief and hate and revenge against all people who may -- or may not -- be associated with the one driver? Must we always fan the flames of hatred against anyone -- anyone at all -- who disagrees with our point of view?

Meanwhile, outside the memorial service, a small group of anti-racist protesters are standing quietly -- carrying baseball bats. Peace, Love, Turn the other cheek? Or are they there to simply scare the shit out of anyone who has the wrong colour skin.

"Black lives matter," is the latest fad slogan. Of course black lives matter. Yet by saying, black lives matter -- the implication is that black lives matter more than brown lives. More than yellow lives. More than white lives.

I would have more trust in calls for justice and equality if everyone were wearing a tee shirt with the slogan, All Lives Matter.

I would have more trust in calls for justice and equality if the calls were accompanied by signs of tolerance and understanding of other points of view.

The bear has lived a long time in its cave. Poke it with a stick and it will be justifiably upset. Offer the bear honey and it may just be willing to share the shelter of the cave.

We need to accept extreme views -- even if they disagree with our own. Accept, understand, perhaps laugh at the funny people who wear sheets because they know they are doing wrong. Pethaps laugh at the funny people who carry baseball bats to a peaceful memorial service.

Accept extreme views. Reject extreme acts.

Use the legal system to prevent acts that we -- civilised people -- do not accept.

Try talking with people whose views disagree with ours. Talk about things that we do agree with. We may find that "they" are quite nice people.

Don't hate someone just because they hang out with a different crowd. That someone may turn out to be willing to listen to your point of view. If we just stop poking each other with sticks.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"If you're not part of the solution, you're in government." … per Ginger Meggs

1 comment:

Cobber said...

Enjoyed the article. Would like to comment but have yet to discover the method. Baffled by technology.