Wednesday 27 January 2016

Populate and perish

Populate and Perish...

Have I mentioned the 2-3-4 rule for population management ?

First, let's assume that economists are short-sighted. That prosperity through growth lasts only until we are destroyed by over-crowding. That limit may be a long way ahead... maybe.

Meanwhile, to take an example, Perth, Western Australia is over-populated. We restrict the use of water because there is not enough water to support the population. Forty years ago a smoggy day would be front page news. Twenty years ago we were blaming the hippies in the hills and their wood fires. Now we barely notice the blanket of smog which permanently shrouds our city.

Would you like a house with a garden ? Too bad ! Too expensive. The only use for a garden is to sub-divide, to make money at the expense of space for living. Apparently the public "demands" smaller and smaller living spaces. In reality, we can't afford space because increasing population drives up house prices.

Global warming ? Who cares ! Over-population itself is destroying our quality of life.

No need to wait for the economists' mad dreams to turn to a Soylent Green nightmare... We are already living in a polluted, congested purgatory.

Because we are over-populated.

So what do we do to manage our population ?

Okay, I have some sympathy for China's one-child policy. At least they recognise the problem. At least China has attempted to manage their population problem. But Australia is not China... We claim to be a democracy.

So we need to encourage people to have less children. A couple of children ? Fine, if you must. Just don't expect the Australian taxpayer to fund your efforts to out-breed the rabbits.

That's where the 2-3-4 rule comes in.

It's from a book... which I read years ago... So my apologies if I don't do it justice:

Each person is entitled to be part of a family group -- adult and their children -- of 2, 3 or four people. That group will be supported by standard social services. Beyond that, no support.

For example: Two adults may form a family group and have zero, one or two children. That would make a family group total of two (the adults), or three, or four (two adults and their two children). The family group will have full access to whatever social services are available: education, health, basic living allowances and so on.

One more child, and the family group is now five... The third child -- number five of the family group -- is outside the 2-3-4 rule. So -- for that third child -- no free lunch. If the parents (or anyone else) can pay for all services, no worries. That's freedom. The government -- the taxpayers -- will pay zero support to that fifth member of the family group.

More children ? Same story. Individuals may pay for themselves or for their children. the government will not.

Another example: Two couples have one child each (one child per couple). Each couple -- each family group -- is now at "three" for the 2-3-4 rule: two adults, one child, a family group of three. The couples separate, two of the adults meet and marry. In this new couple, each adult is already at "three". The new couple -- the new family group -- may now have just one more government-supported child.

Example: The new couple have their one child. Each adult is now at "four". Each adult has now reached the limit of their government-supported children... They separate. One of the adults marries again, marries a person with no children. This new couple cannot have government-supported children ! One adult is at two (part of a family group of two adults) but the other is at four... The first adult may have two children -- but not with the second adult. If this couple has children, those children are outside the 2-3-4 rule. The parents will need to pay for all education, health, social service costs for all children of this latest family group.

Oh, and parents are responsible for their own children.

The government provides whatever services it provides -- to people within the 2-3-4 rule. (Strictly speaking I suppose it should be the 1-2-3-4 rule. Anyone can choose to remain single and childless.) Children outside the 2-3-4 rule may need government services. If so, the parent or parents are responsible for the costs. Parents become debtors to the government, for government services provided to non-2-3-4 children.

Population growth is destroying our standard of living. It is destroying the environment, simply by expanding over all the available space.

The 2-3-4 rule sets a universal standard, without exerting absolute control. The rule encourages restraint rather than excess. The "penalties" may be made more or less severe... as long as it is clear that following the rule offers personal benefit.

The 2-3-4 rule is simple. It sets a standard -- or, at least, it defines society's expectations.

We need to set society's expectations to a managed population. Before an unmanaged population sinks under its own weight.

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