Tuesday 17 December 2013

Good news !

Every so often there is some news which shows that there is real hope for the world.

Sure, there are people who hate other people because of some imagined slight several hundred years ago. There are ongoing wars between people whose ancestors lived on opposite sides of a minor river. There are centuries of hatred and distrust based on interpretation of ancient religious writings.

Then there is Moldova.

The Moldovans used to speak Moldovan. Moldovan is, in practice, a dialect of Romanian. So what did they do ?

The Irish would bomb Romania for forcing its language onto Moldova. Arabs and Israelis would bomb each other for stealing the language. African nations would slaughter anyone speaking with the wrong accent.

So what did the  Moldovans do ? They accepted that their language is Romanian. And made Romanian the official language of Moldova.

I don't even know where Moldova is. I don't know where Romania is.

But when I heard that Moldova accepted Romanian as its official language -- simply because it was -- I was happy.

There is some good sense in the world.

There is some glimmer of hope for the future.

Thank you, Moldova.

Problems ? Solved

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