Wednesday 14 July 2010

Tokyo Drains offer Pilbara Water Solution

Agamedes goes down the Tokyo drain -- and pops up again in the Pilbara.

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At last! A good idea that is not my own!

"Tokyo offers toilet water for Pilbara", is the headline (The West, 13 Jul 10). A Japanese research company -- Nomura Research Institute -- has suggested that recycled Tokyo sewage could be used to damp down the iron ore dust of the Pilbara.

Large ships carry iron ore from WA to Japan. They then return to WA -- empty. Why not send them back... full of recycled water?! Brilliant!

Just a few days ago I called for better solutions to our water "crisis". As I pointed out (Water Strategy Misses the Point) the problem is with demand rather than supply. There is plenty of water -- but we place too many demands for its effective use.

Well, I may have to back down on that assertion... I would guess that the supply is even larger than I thought. There must be a lot of used water available from a city as large as Tokyo!

I suggested that we look for better, alternative solutions -- solutions that did not waste good, drinking water. What we have from Nomura is a better alternative to the supply of water. Yes, there will be problems with avoiding the potential for importing diseases along with the water. There may be lots of other problems. But...

It's a great idea. Work with it. Solve the problems and avoid the wastage of good Pilbara water.

Well done that think tank!

Independent thinking & independent analysis of your problems by
Agamedes Consulting. Support for your thought:
email nick leth at gmail dot com

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